Thursday, February 27, 2020

Proofreading Services by

Are you an entrepreneur, an advertiser,maybe a pro skier?Or perhaps you are a student looking for the best possible mark on your next assignment or piece of coursework? Whoever you are, it is very likely that you will have to produce and publish a written document at some point in your professional or academic life.You might not need to write an extended dissertation or a critical reflection, but almost all of us will need to write emails or blog posts quite regularly.

Knowing this, there are a handful of crucial factors, “must-do's,” that you cannot overlook in your written work. For example, you will need to fact-check and, in doing so, avoid making outlandish, unsupportable, and untrue statements that could cause your readers to mistrust you.In particular, if you are an academic, a student, or a salesperson, truth and accuracy are necessities. Other critical issues include concision (the shorter, the better), removing rambling and incoherent sentences (people will probably skip over these anyway),and editing for context (i.e., knowing your audience and tailoring your writing to them).

Considered against these crucial elements,the process of proofreading, which involves correcting the typographical, grammar-related,and punctuation-related mistakes in a piece of writing, is one of the most essential elements.After all, if you fail to protect your written work from careless errors, your readers are unlikely to respond positively, and many will simply lose interest and stop reading, believing you to lack knowledge and, as such, look elsewhere for a more credible, authoritative source.

With the massive increase in the number of written documents that are now being created, shared, and published around the world for academic, business, and communication purposes, professional proofreading services have never been so indispensable. When proofreading services are provided by a professional, who is trained and well-educated proofreader, the effectiveness and dependability of the whole process, as well as the end result, increases considerably.

Many companies, including Proofessor, a UK organisation that specialises in providing professional proofreading services to writers, academics, students, and business people,recognise how important the proofreading process really is.Therefore, at Proofessor,experts from various fields have been gathered together to provide proofreading services to diverse groups of clients, ensuring their re-viewed documents are the best they can be.

We offer quite a few services that address the other crucial things mentioned above (concision, coherence, editing for context, paraphrasing and so on), but – first and foremost –our team’s mission is to protect your work from any careless or hard-to-spot errors.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Editing Services and Proofreading Services

We offer our proofreading and editing services to pursue a single, overarching objective: namely, to ensure that you're writing resonates with your readers. However, despite the fact that these services aim at the same broad goal, they focus on very different issues.

If you recruit one of our proofreaders to work on your document, they will focus on a small set of crucially important writing-related concerns. In particular, the proofreader will go through your document to remove mistakes in punctuation, grammar,and spelling, they will ensure that the piece of written work is consistent in terms of the dialect it uses. For example, in British (UK) English, certain words are spelled differently than they are in Australian (AU) or American (US) English, and your document should never contain a mixture of dialects.

In our editing services, which we commonly refer to as “heavy editing”,the editor begins by proofreading your document.Once the proofreading process is complete,the editor will then shift their focus onto other issues such as style (e.g., ensuring an academic style),editing for context (e.g., ensuring your document is tonally suited to the intended audience), structure (e.g., paragraph length), coherence (e.g., removing repetitive, rambling, or unnecessary sentences and paragraphs)with concision, (i.e., using the least number of words possible to get a certain point across). With this in mind, you will note that proofreading services are integrated into the editing process. The main difference is that the editing process goes one step further than a proofreading process.

In both of these services, it is worth recognising that you will retain complete control over your manuscript. Whenever a change is made in your document, whether by one of professional editors or one of our team’s proofreaders, Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature will be used. You will receive one “clean” copy of the document (i.e., a version that contains no markings in Track Changes) and another “tracked” copy (i.e., a version where all the changes are clearly visible). This means that, if you want, you can have an unambiguous view of all the changes that were made, rejecting them or confirming them wherever you want to exert greater control over the process.

The guarantee that comes with all of our services is tightly connected to the single, overarching objective mentioned above: namely, to ensure that you're writing resonates with your readers. If, after receiving the“tracked” and “clean” copies of your edited or proofread document, you feel that there is more to be done to achieve this goal, get in touch and we – like all professionals operating in this industry – will do whatever is necessary to ensure you are satisfied with our work.