Tuesday, July 28, 2020

What questions should you ask before hiring a professional proofreader?

Proofreaders work on all kinds of sensitive, mission-critical documents, whether for researchers submitting journal articles, students submitting dissertations, or businesses releasing annual reports. For this reason, if you have a document that requires hiring proofreading services, it is important to ensure that you receive professional proofreading, as opposed to unreliable and low-quality proofreading.

As a business, academic, student, author, or any other person needing to communicate in a clear and error-free manner,proofreading is highly valuable, and it offers a significant return on investment in terms of time and – in many cases – money. However, ensuring that your documents are checked over by a qualified and experienced person is not totally straightforward.

Before your order a service, it is essential to have a short conversation and, ideally, a lengthier email exchange with a potential proofreader (either a freelancer or a proofreader’s representative within a company). During this email exchange, or during your short telephone or Skype conversation with the proofreader, you should also be sure to ask the right questions to gauge their suitability.

A useful way to increase your chances of finding a proofreader who fits your project is to ask a candidate about their background, as well as their previous experience as a proofreader.At this point, don’t get too focused on finding an expert in your field; instead, you should prioritise finding an experienced proofreader who has worked on similar documents in the past. If you are interested in receiving an editing service, it is imperative to work with an editor who is experienced in your field. For example, if you are writing a paper that focuses on the field of computer science, it is worthwhile to find an editor with some knowledge of the subject, whereas this is not so with proofreading.

In professional proofreading, it is increasingly popular among companies, as well as freelancers, to offer free samples of the service offerings. As a case in point, if you do a Google search, or use any other well-known search engine,for professional proofreading or proofreading services, you will be able to find companies that offer a certain number of words free of charge. If you find a proofreader who you believe will be a good fit for your writing project, it is also important to ask them about the possibility of receiving a free sample, even if they do not advertise this.

A critically important and often-overlooked question, which many first-time customers forget to ask, relates to the issue of document deadlines. At certain professional proofreading providers, the services on offer can only be returned with long deadlines, whereas in other cases, deadlines of up to 5 hours can be found. If you have an urgent document but the company you have found does not list a quick enough turnaround, be sure to get in touch with them. In most cases, proofreading services providers will be happy to accommodate your deadline.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Quality proofreading services in London, UK

Professional proofreading services are available in most of the UK's major cities and the competitive competition within London is strong, but it is also true that services can be used from these companies using digital channels. As a matter of fact, it is common for businesses, authors, and speakers of languages other than English to order proofreading services over the Internet, and a growing number of these services are reliable, efficient, and affordable. Since the online proofreading space is so competitive, prices are falling and quality is increasing rapidly, both in terms of the convenience and price of the available services.

Newcomers to the proofreading space are likely to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of available service offerings. For example, if you enter a search term such as “proofreading services” into your search engine of choice (e.g., Google, Yahoo, or Bing), you will notice that hundreds, if not thousands, of hits are returned. The varied nature of the available proofreading services can also be problematic for newcomers. As a case in point, if you read the service descriptions of several professional proofreading services, it is typically the case that services vary in terms of price and levels of detail.

For people who are living in London or just visiting the historic city, it is worth remembering that countless famous and influential writers, editors, and proofreaders live in the city, along with prominent companies that specialise in providing professional proofreading services. This has been true for years, which is especially clear when considering the impressive list of writers, authors, and other creative people who have lived and worked in London (e.g., William Shakespeare).

Additionally, in a city where so many official business communications, research initiatives, and professional activities take place, a considerable number of proofreading companies, as well as freelancers, have emerged to cater to growing demand for high-quality content.In the past, it was common for companies to recruit permanent proofreaders, editors, and copy writers, who would be assigned duties ranging from re-organising business plans and grant applications to proofreading, editing, or paraphrasing press releases, official reports, or presentations.Today, however, companies in London can use the Internet to recruit specialised proofreaders from nearby companies.

Proofreaders are valuable for several reasons, whether you need help improving the readability and clarity of your college or university work, your creative projects, or your business-related documents.If you are interested in recruiting the services of a professional proofreader, especially if you want to narrow your search to a high-quality London-based company or freelancer,it is important to consider the importance of their reliability and effectiveness. Although most proofreaders will offer a guarantee that they will correct any deficits you find in their work free of charge,receiving a correct-first-time document is often a key demand for mission-critical writing.