Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Need editing and proofreading services for your book?, a UK-based company founded in 2008, is trusted around the world by universities, students, and companies, based on its excellent track record in providing professional proofreading services, and in particular, for its specialism in offering high-quality editing and proofreading services.’s team consists of professional researchers, PhD graduates, customer-centred administrative personnel, and – perhaps most importantly – experienced, well-trained, and native English-speaking proofreaders and editors.

Since 2008, has not only offered affordable writing and education support services for professionals, academics, and researchers, but also the professional proofreading services provider has satisfied the needs of thousands of authors, fiction writers, and poets. Authors today are increasingly in need of editors or proofreaders for their creative writing projects, articles, blog posts, and e-books, and many of the writers that has served in the past include well-known novelists, screenwriters, and other individuals who specialise in producing extended documents.

If you are looking for an editor or proofreader to help you prepare your book for publication, the industry insight of the professional you work with is crucial in giving you an edge. Conventional editing and proofreading services are not geared towards long pieces of writing such as books, and instead they are usually aimed at students, businesses, or researchers who have short projects with clear, well-known requirements (e.g., as indicated by university mark schemes or author guidelines from academic journals). Therefore, the skills needed to edit or proofread short documents successfully are related but distinct to those required for successful book editors or proofreaders. This means that, when you are looking professional proofreading services, finding someone with experience, ideally an author or a publishing professional, will help you achieve the best outcome possible.

At, editing and proofreading services, even for long documents such as books, have remained the company’s flagship offerings since its founding in 2008. However, given the key differences that exist between successful proofreading and editing for short and long documents, different members of our team specialise in providing services for different document types. In our book proofreading unit, the industry insight of our team ensures that we maintain your style even while intervening heavily in critical aspects of the written English your document. These critical aspects include fixing grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors; making your prose more concise to promote readability where necessary; changing your town to ensure its home with your intended readers.

Of course, there are differences in the level of depth an editor or proofreader will apply when correcting and changing aspects of your book. These must be considered before you purchase a service. For example, an editor is likely to focus on issues like the coherence and clarity of your book’s structure, and to provide concrete recommendations or strategies for solving any problems they identify. By contrast, a proofreader, who is generally hired for a significantly lower rate than an editor, will likely not focus on such high-level issues, and instead may only comment briefly on the problem to draw it to your attention.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Book editing services by

We all think we have a book inside us, and that may be true. However, without proofreading services and book proofreading services UK, the likelihood of any person realising their ambition to become an author is low. The reason for this is that, even when the difficult, time-consuming, and seemingly endless task of writing the book is complete, another journey begins: namely, the journey of ensuring that everything in the lengthy, winding manuscript you wrote is perfectly presented, free from errors, and – in this way – ready for publication.

Several features separate’s book proofreading services UK from the others that available on today’s Internet. Firstly, as a company that has established durable, long-standing relationships with talented and experienced writers, editors, and proofreaders from Great Britain, Australia, and the United States, offers one of the most competitive pricing policies available in the industry today. For longer writing projects such as books, price is a fundamental issue, and since 2008 – the company first began to help authors publish their books, short stories, and poems – we have helped thousands of aspiring writers to strive towards their dreams of publication without breaking the bank.

A common misconception when looking to have your book edited by a professional is that, if your proofreader is not a published author themselves, then the proofreading services they offer are likely to be low-quality. While it is certainly true that an individual who has not successfully completed an extended writing project before will add little value to your written work as a proofreader or editor, it is seriously unhelpful to use the benchmark of previous publications to measure the potential worth of your proofreader. One of the reasons for this relates the scope of a proofreader’s work. Specifically, when you hire a proofreader from, our professional’s task is not to intervene in high-level issues such as structure, flow, style, and authorial voice; rather, the proofreader will focus only on low-level issues such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency.

On the other hand, if you would like to have your book edited, which – pivotally – is an entirely different service compared to proofreading, then would recommend that you work only with (a) an author who has previously published a book-length piece of writing, or (b) an experienced editor who, despite not being published, has ensured the publication of books in the past. The reason for this, as before, relates to the scope of the editor’s task. All our editors have at least 3 years’ experience in intervening in, correcting, and re-shaping extended pieces of written work, ranging from books to PhD theses. This ensures that, if you are ordering book proofreading services within the UK, then our team, we are can give you the best price – whereas, if you are looking for a more comprehensive editing service, we can connect you with the most qualified person for the job.

Altogether, proofreading services at, including for books, are best used when you want an affordable, quick, and effective intervention in your document that improves readability and coherence, and which gets rid of any embarrassing errors. Book editing services are well worth considering when you have not reached the pinical stage of your final draft, but if you are unsure about which service is most suitable for you, please contact our team.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Get your editing checked by professional proofreading service providers in London

In the whole of western Europe, London is the largest city, and in the whole of the world, London is the largest financial centre. With all the mix of commerce, politics, fashion, entertainment, media, art, business, and finance that occurs in Greater London and the City of London each day, it is unsurprising to note that London is also home to many of the strongest proofreaders and editors, who offer professional proofreading and high-quality editing services. 

Image: London is a centre of many things, including professional proofreading

London’s proofreaders, paraphrasers, editors, and writers play a vital supportive role for London’s business and economy, including its tourism, technology, media, professional services, manufacturing and construction, and financial services. Every sector just mentioned relies heavily on written communications for internal organisational matters, advertising and marketing, public relations, and stakeholder outreach. Therefore, to ensure that these written communications are streamlined, effective, and on-point, a rich and sophisticated community of writing professionals has emerged.

Two of the major services that can be procured from members of the community of writing professionals just mentioned are editing services and professional proofreading services. The high-level difference between these two services is essentially a matter of scope: while proofreaders tend to focus narrowly on grammar, punctuation, and spelling, editors focus more broadly not only on these issues but also on writing-related considerations such as flow, style, structure, concision, and readability.

Image: Editors tend to do more in-depth work than proofreaders, but this comes at a price!

Whether you choose to hire a proofreader or an editor who is based in London, or whether you choose to work with a professional who is based elsewhere, their strength in writing, proofreading, and editing your work, as well as their ability to deliver a high-quality document on time, is the pivotal concern that cannot be overlooked. If you can find someone to hire who is a resident of London, it is important to recognise that, given the higher cost of living in London, their prices may need to reflect this. For example, a professional who provides editing services in the city of Leeds, which is located in northern England, is likely to have a lower price rate than their counterparts in London.

 Image: London’s living costs may be reflected in London-based editors’ and proofreaders’ rates

If the services of a professional editor are a little too expensive for you!  Which is entirely reasonable given the higher prices these services tend to command mainly for the amount of in-depth work, relative to proofreading, then you might consider editing the work yourself. Once you have done this, you will then have the option of sending your edited work to a proofreader who, for a substantially lower rate than an editor, can check over the work you have done, identifying and ironing out its major flaws (that is, if there are any). Choosing between these two services is sometimes tricky, but the service price, along with the level of comprehensiveness you are looking for in your service, should be the major variables that you pay attention to.