Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Essential tips to write a professional article

For a writer, being asked to write a professional article is often a dream, not only due to the pay one receives but also due to the exposure. Although writing a polished and professional article is not a straightforward task, a variety of support – including paraphrasing services and proofreading services – can help writers to produce impressive articles again and again.The purpose of this blog is to outline key tips for writing professional articles, which will allow you to write excellent pieces of work.

Tip 1: Do your research

Many writers believe that, because they are already familiar with a subject, they can write a professional article focusing on it without engaging in systematic research beforehand. However, when an extensive research initiative is undertaken in preparation for writing an article,potentially leveraging proofreading services or paraphrasing services, this provides a supply of fresh, relevant, and useful information that can increase the informativeness and value of your work for your readers.

To conduct research effectively, so-called “literature reviews” are valuable tools. For example, if you are writing an academic article on machine learning techniques, then a review of the literature can introduce you tokey ideas in the field, allowing you to expose these properly to your readers. Various literature review types exist, including scoping reviews, systematic reviews, and semi-systematic reviews, but – whichever one you choose –it will serve as a valuable aid before writing an article. 

Image: Research is long – but essential

Tip 2: Plan properly

In most schools, essay and article planning is strongly emphasised. However, due to un-engaging teaching methods and other factors, many students – and even many professional writers – do not recognise the value of planning before writing. However, if a writer neglects to plan before writing an article, the likelihood that it is jumbled, disorganised, and clumsy will increase. Furthermore, if a writer does not use a plan to guide their writing, the writing process is likely to take a much longer time.

Tip 3: Write in an engaging, straightforward way

In linguistics professor and cognitive scientist Steven Pinker’s A Sense of Style: the Thinking Person’s Guide to Writing in the 21st Century(2014),the author advocates a clear, simple, and highly-readable writing style. Pinker talks about the importance of developing a “writer's ear”, and also avoiding so-called “classic styles” such as legalese, academes, and officialise, which are replete with jargon and stuffy, stodgysentences. As a writer, therefore, you should take Pinker’s advice and move away from “classic styles”, instead prioritising clear communication and engagement. 

Image: Develop a sense of style as a writer!

Tip 4: Choose a subject that you find interesting

Even if you are an expert on the topic you are writing about, being uninterested in it is usually a recipe for awful writing. Writers tend to lose their “writerly ear”, as well as their motivation to write lucidly and coherently, when they are covering a topic they care little about. For this reason, try – if at all possible – to avoid having to write a professional article on a topic you find uninteresting.

Tip 5: Thoroughly check over your work

Before you consider your writing work complete, it is essential for you to check it over. This should involve editing as the first step, where you make your writing more readable, engaging, coherent, and concise. In turn, paraphrasing services can be used to avoid plagiarism or extremely weak sentences, and proofreading services can add a final, professional polish. 

Image: Be precise when you write, and check over your work

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