Sunday, February 14, 2021

How do paraphrasers really add value to your work?

To paraphrase an original source, you need to rewrite it so that its ideas and statements are expressed in a new variation of words. This is the reason why paraphrasing services are often referred to as rewriting services.

A paraphrasing service allows you to speed up your writing process without directly plagiarising other sources. For example, you can send a list of quotes to a strong paraphraser and, in return, receive a coherent piece of text containing exactly the same information, all nicely linked together. Clearly, this is very useful when conducting research or writing a literature review.

Image: The benefits of paraphrasing are diverse

One of the clearest ways that paraphrasers and document rewriters can add value to your work relates to the time you save. Whatever the document is that you need to write, whether a press release, a blog article, or an academic essay, using a paraphrasing service can speed up the process significantly. Given that you can invest the time you save in other projects, all the while improving the quality of your writing, there is a clear dual benefit to working with a professional paraphraser.

Since paraphrasing is the only alternative to using direct quotation, another crucial way that paraphrasers can add significant value to your work is by ensuring that you avoid this. In academic writing, the excessive use of direct quotation is to be avoided at all costs. The main reason why is that your markers and peers do not want you to rely on another’s understanding of a topic as evidence of your own knowledge and understanding. For this reason, since working with a professional paraphraser will allow you to avoid the overuse of direct quotation, it may improve the mark your academic essay or dissertation receives.

Image: Try to find a paraphraser who specialises in your subject area

Committing plagiarism as a student or an academic comes with severe consequences. Even in business, there are consequences of plagiarism that you should seek to avoid. For example, it is well known that websites that plagiarise content from other places on the Internet tend to be downranked by the search algorithms of companies like Google, Bing, and others. Therefore, whether you are writing a new blog post or your final-year dissertation, checking it for plagiarism before you publish it, and using a paraphraser to minimise plagiarism, is vital.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the importance of working with a paraphraser who is an expert in your area of study. This is because good paraphrasing and proofreading services can only be offered when the paraphraser understands the subject matter. Therefore, to ensure that your experience working with a paraphraser leads to a positive outcome, it is important to communicate with them in advance.

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