Monday, November 2, 2020

Dangers of avoiding proofreading services

 It is surprising that many writers, even reputable and well-known academics and researchers, do not see the dangers of avoiding proofreading of their work. If you – as an author, student, or professional – are unfamiliar with the negative effects of avoiding proofreading, then the value of a proofreading service, including professional proofreading services, will certainly be overlooked. More and more writers today, in a bid to improve their CVs, books, PhD proposals, assignments, websites, or business plans, recognise how essential it is to check over their written work for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, which is known as “proofreading”. This is clearly reflected in the growing demand for high-quality proofreading services, which are becoming increasingly available on the Internet today.

However, it is still true that many writers overlook the dangers of avoiding proofreading, and they are not knowledgeable about how negatively impactful low-quality written work can be. One of the clear dangers associated with avoiding proofreading relates to the likelihood of miscommunication, and the costs that come with undiscovered miscommunication. Consider that you, a professional academic in this example, want to ask someone whether they will be “on board” for a conference, but you accidentally write “on the board” instead. A quick proofread of your request, would catch this error, and – needless to say – it would save you from the calamity that this error would doubtless cause.

Whatever kind of writer you are, and whatever the purpose of your writing is, ensuring that your reader understands you – with a minimal amount of friction – is, of course, fundamental. In certain cases, however, avoiding proofreading can lead to risks and levels of friction that may be career-ending, or – at the very least – career-stunting. For example, taking again the example of a professional researcher, it is well-known that career advancement in this field relies on the regular publication of scholarly articles. If you continually avoid purchasing a proofreading service, or proofreading your own work, then the journals that you submit your articles to are likely to view you unprofessionally. As a result, their willingness to publish your work is probably going to be low.

This article has only touched on a few of the ways that avoiding proofreading your work can lead to negative results. However, as most of us know based on intuition alone, there are many more scenarios in which grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors could cost you dearly. Therefore, given the value of proofreading, and given how it can spare you from various dangers, it is well worth considering checking over your work a second or third time before publishing or submitting it.

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