Monday, November 2, 2020

Why paraphrasing services is such an essential skill?

Paraphrasing services take a “target document”, such as a webpage, blog post, or academic article, and transform it, thereby producing a “new document” with the same meaning, but with a different structure, vocabulary, and general appearance. Using a paraphrasing service is a quick, affordable, and efficient strategy for avoiding plagiarism checkers, or even for speeding up your research process, but knowing how to paraphrase – or “rewrite” – a piece of text is an essential skill in itself.

In academic writing, paraphrasing is a requirement

Many students, especially first-year undergraduates in subjects other than English or History, are frustrated to find that their lecturers often mark them down when they use direct quotations to support their points in academic writing. They complain that it is somewhat arbitrary to force them to do paraphrase, or rewrite, direct quotations rather than simply embedding the quotation in their document. Whatever your opinion here, it is indisputable that, to produce high-quality academic writing, you must be an adept paraphraser. For this reason, paraphrasing is certainly an essential skill.

For students and researchers, paraphrasing underpins efficient research

The notable mathematician and physicist Richard Feynman, aside from making all sorts of ground-breaking discoveries in theoretical physics, was an adept teacher. One of his pedagogical discoveries is now popularly referred to as the “Feynman technique”. The starting point of this technique essentially amounts to writing down everything you learn about a given issue in your own words, which is to say, rewrite – or paraphrase – what you just read. Therefore, for people who are engaged in research, you are much more likely to remember what you come across, which saves you vast amounts of time, if you paraphrase the material as you encounter it.

For businesses, paraphrasing is a money-saver

The first reason why knowing how to paraphrase is crucial is that it saves you money. For example, if your organisation’s content marketing strategy relies on creating as much high-quality written text as possible, which you intend to spread across the Internet, then you might see how useful paraphrasing is. In particular, instead of writing original content, you can find content that you like elsewhere online and rewrite it. This immediately avoids the problematic issue of plagiarism, and it also saves you from having to hire somebody to write original material.

Paraphrasing improves the quality of your written work

If you do it well, paraphrasing improves your written work and helps your reader understand the points you are trying to make much more easily and with significantly less friction. That is to say, paraphrasing is not just useful as a way to avoid accusations of plagiarism; in addition to this, paraphrasing can enhance the readability of your work, and thus – whoever your intended reader is – it can allow you to communicate much more effectively with them. For example, if you are tempted to quote directly from a source text that is badly written, or which uses a far greater number of words than is actually necessary, your skill as a paraphraser can allow you to refine and simplify the source text.

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