Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why are rewriting services important?

When you “rewrite” (or “paraphrase”) a passage of text, the idea is to put it in your own words without changing the meaning at all. The purpose of a rewritingservice (or paraphrasing service), therefore, is to have the rewriting process completed by an expert who specialises in this specific task. It may sound like no big deal to do this yourself, but rewriting services are one of the most indispensable writing-related services available today. 

It is common to hire a rewriter as a student or an academic when Turnitin, the popular plagiarism-checking software used by universities around the world, returns an excessively high “similarity index”. When you reach the point in your essay-writing or paper-writing process when you are checking Turnitin’s similarity index, you are likely to have already invested a substantial amount of time. Therefore, if you exceed the maximum level of a permitted similarity index, using a rewriting service to solve the problem can save you a further investment of time and effort. 

Rewriting and proofreading services are also important because the task of rewriting a document, especially a complex document, is not as easy as it may seem. To paraphrase the writing of another author requires not only a deep understanding of the material but also careful attention to detail. If you cannot rewrite the text skillfully and attentively, you may convey the wrong idea or change the meaning expressed in the original text. As a result, you would be putting words in another author’s mouth that were never there in the first place. Since this is almost as bad as plagiarism, if not worse, hiring a professional rewriter will enable you to avoid this problem quickly and easily.

If you have never worked with a professional rewriter or paraphraser before, you may not realize how powerful their services are. For example, if your aim is to gain a more in-depth knowledge of something another author has written, you can ask a rewriter to paraphrase the relevant portion of text and, in this way, study both versions. The opportunity to look at the original expression of an idea alongside paraphrased version can give you new insights into the arguments and points being made. As a result, recruiting a professional to rewrite a document helps in many more situations than just avoiding plagiarism.

As this article has demonstrated, rewriting and paraphrasing services, aside from proofreading services, are among the most widely-used writing-related services used by academics and students today. Professional rewriters have mastered an essential set of skills that, if you leverage in your own work, it can help you write competent essays, assignments, and articles, in a more clear, concise manner and possibly even quicker than you currently do. 

What are the benefits of proofreading?

At their core, proofreading services involve correcting errors in a written document that relate to issues such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Expert proofreaders will be able to tweak your sentences, ensuring that they flow in a smooth way, whilst making sense. They can also reduce repetition, fix inconsistencies, and adapt your use of language to suit the purpose of your document. These are some of the many benefits of proofreading that, at first glance, seem extremely valuable.

Considering the purpose of a proofreading and editing service, then, the benefits of hiring a professional proofreader to work on your document may seem clear. In the end, most proofreaders are experts in the English language, which means that they can spot many of the errors and inconsistencies that, if left unchecked, would be seen by your  professors, colleagues, or customers. These errors and inconsistencies may cost you marks, lead to embarrassment, and they could even affect your bottom line.

Nevertheless, there are more benefits to using proofreading services than the improvement of your language and writing style alone. Perhaps the most obvious additional benefit of proofreading relates to the time you can save if you recruit somebody else to work with. If your area of expertise is not the English language, it may take you a long time to perfect your written work. For this reason, the time-saving benefit associated with using a proofreading service can be a huge saving in both time and money.

If you have never hired a professional proofreader to work on your documents before, you might be surprised at just how much they can improve your documents and, alongside this, save you work time. Furthermore, if your proofreader happens to be an expert in the area that you are writing in, a valuable benefit can come from the advice they may offer that does not relate only to your use of language. For example, in academic writing, proofreaders who have experience in this area may be able to spot suboptimal areas in your document.

Another important benefit that comes when you hire a professional proofreader relates to the peace of mind and assurance you gain. For all of us who have attended university or written a CV for an important job application, this benefit will resonate especially strongly. When somebody else checks over your document gives it the green light, particularly when that person is a trained and vetted professional, that can give you the confidence you need to send off your document without a cause for concern.

Altogether, the benefits of proofreading are far-reaching and should always be considered, if you are not confident on your work being presented correctly. These services are increasingly available on the Internet and, what’s more, they are becoming more affordable every day. It’s always important, however, to ensure that you are working with a responsible, careful, and experienced expert. If you forget to check this, many of the benefits of proofreading mentioned in this article could turn to become very significant and costly disadvantages for you. Nevertheless, don’t let this stop you from giving this type of service a go!

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Is it acceptable to have someone proofread your essay?

The purpose of a proofreading service is to put the final polish on your document after it has already been written, checked over, and finalised in terms of its content. Proofreading services should not be used unless you have reached this final stage in the writing process. This is because when you hire somebody to catch all the pesky unseen errors in your document, and then you add new content and start rearranging things, you are likely to add more inconsistencies or errors, which calls for further proofreading. This, of course, is not the most efficient way to perfect your written work.

With all that said, an important question still remains: Is it acceptable to ask someone to proofread your essay? After all, writing an academic essay is a task that only one person is assigned, and so bringing someone else into the process may initially seem dishonest. This dilemma is especially strong amongst people who have never used
proofreading services before, especially students. Furthermore, once you’ve put all the hard work into researching and writing your essay, thesis, or dissertation, you may have a strong aversion to recruiting the help of somebody else at the very last stage, particularly when you feel you could clear this last hurdle alone.

It’s a legitimate question to ask whether it is acceptable or dishonest to have someone other than you proofread your essay. While the answer, from my point of view, is that it is most definitely acceptable and, furthermore, essential to have someone proofread your work (e.g. a friend or family member, or even a professional who provides a proofreading and editing service), it’s worth offering a brief rebuttal to the position held by someone who would suggest it is not acceptable. It seems very clear to me that there is nothing at all wrong with recruiting a second pair of eyes to make sure your written work is perfect, but some people – albeit a limited number of them – appear to believe it is.

The only reason why someone might argue that it is unacceptable to have someone proofread your essay is that they view it as a form of cheating. Someone who holds this position would suggest that, because some of the marks you receive for your essay are awarded for the general use of language, using the services of another person means that they – rather than you – are receiving those marks. Therefore, since you are submitting the work under your own name and not the name of the person who helped you with the final proofreading task, this represents a form of cheating, and is thus unacceptable.

This argument is compelling, but it does not stand on firm ground. Consider the fact that all of the leading Russel Group Universities in the United Kingdom, as well as most of the leading universities worldwide, explicitly state that the use of external proofreaders is perfectly acceptable. Although the proofreading policies of all universities and academic institutions emphasize the importance of declaring that a paid proofreader was involved, the policies themselves clearly indicate that it is acceptable, and that it is not a form of cheating or dishonesty, to have someone else help you in the proofreading process for your written work. These types of services can benefit the owner, as the service provider will hi-lite areas of concern and make the appropriate changes and inform the owner as to why they were made, which can prove to be invaluable for their next presentation.

3 reasons why you need an academic editor

It is well-known that collaboration lies at the heart of science. Indeed, research is typically undertaken in a group setting, learning is usually advanced when people interact in seminars and tutorials, and all high-quality research papers are peer-reviewed before publication.

For this reason, drawing on the knowledge of others when you are proofreading and editing your work, and even using professional proofreading and editing services, is crucial whenever you produce any academic writing.

Whether you are looking to improve your grades at university or refine your ground-breaking research paper, finding an academic editor to work with is always a good idea. The purpose of this article is to present 3 valid reasons why academic editing is indispensable.


Editing eliminates bias

In academic writing, you are often marked on whether you can write in a non-biased, well-balanced way. For example, if you are writing about the strengths of your dissertation’s methodology in your concluding chapter but you neglect to address its limitations, this will be taken as a serious red flag by your markers.

If you work with an academic editor, however, they will highlight all of the areas where your arguments exhibit bias or lack balance. In the above example, a good academic editor would encourage you to mention at least a few of the methodological limitations of your dissertation, knowing that this would greatly improve your mark.


Image: Editors can help add balance to your writing

Editing improves your credibility

If your academic work is written in a clumsy way, you will quickly alienate the reader. At the same time, if your written work is replete with spelling mistakes, referencing inconsistencies, and incorrect technical terminologies, your credibility in the eyes of the reader will fall substantially. When your work contains so many basic errors, the reader will be justified in questioning whether you are an authority on the topic.

To counter this, working with a strong academic editor, especially a professional who has experience in your area of study, will allow you to catch these errors before you submit your document. As a result, rather than conveying a sense of incompetence or carelessness to your reader, your reader is likely to be impressed by the high-quality, concise, and accurate nature of the written work you have produced. In this way, working with an editor can have a beneficial impact on your credibility.


Image: Without good editing, you may not come across as having authority

Editing helps you learn

Since most editors today make revisions to written work using Microsoft Word’s ‘track changes’ feature, it is possible for you to review any of the changes they have made. As a result, you can spot all the areas where you made mistakes and grammatical errors that require correction. Due to this process, not only will you receive a much-improved document, but you will also have the chance to learn from all the corrections that were made by the editor.