Saturday, January 23, 2021

3 reasons why you need an academic editor

It is well-known that collaboration lies at the heart of science. Indeed, research is typically undertaken in a group setting, learning is usually advanced when people interact in seminars and tutorials, and all high-quality research papers are peer-reviewed before publication.

For this reason, drawing on the knowledge of others when you are proofreading and editing your work, and even using professional proofreading and editing services, is crucial whenever you produce any academic writing.

Whether you are looking to improve your grades at university or refine your ground-breaking research paper, finding an academic editor to work with is always a good idea. The purpose of this article is to present 3 valid reasons why academic editing is indispensable.


Editing eliminates bias

In academic writing, you are often marked on whether you can write in a non-biased, well-balanced way. For example, if you are writing about the strengths of your dissertation’s methodology in your concluding chapter but you neglect to address its limitations, this will be taken as a serious red flag by your markers.

If you work with an academic editor, however, they will highlight all of the areas where your arguments exhibit bias or lack balance. In the above example, a good academic editor would encourage you to mention at least a few of the methodological limitations of your dissertation, knowing that this would greatly improve your mark.


Image: Editors can help add balance to your writing

Editing improves your credibility

If your academic work is written in a clumsy way, you will quickly alienate the reader. At the same time, if your written work is replete with spelling mistakes, referencing inconsistencies, and incorrect technical terminologies, your credibility in the eyes of the reader will fall substantially. When your work contains so many basic errors, the reader will be justified in questioning whether you are an authority on the topic.

To counter this, working with a strong academic editor, especially a professional who has experience in your area of study, will allow you to catch these errors before you submit your document. As a result, rather than conveying a sense of incompetence or carelessness to your reader, your reader is likely to be impressed by the high-quality, concise, and accurate nature of the written work you have produced. In this way, working with an editor can have a beneficial impact on your credibility.


Image: Without good editing, you may not come across as having authority

Editing helps you learn

Since most editors today make revisions to written work using Microsoft Word’s ‘track changes’ feature, it is possible for you to review any of the changes they have made. As a result, you can spot all the areas where you made mistakes and grammatical errors that require correction. Due to this process, not only will you receive a much-improved document, but you will also have the chance to learn from all the corrections that were made by the editor.


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