Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Why are rewriting services important?

When you “rewrite” (or “paraphrase”) a passage of text, the idea is to put it in your own words without changing the meaning at all. The purpose of a rewritingservice (or paraphrasing service), therefore, is to have the rewriting process completed by an expert who specialises in this specific task. It may sound like no big deal to do this yourself, but rewriting services are one of the most indispensable writing-related services available today. 

It is common to hire a rewriter as a student or an academic when Turnitin, the popular plagiarism-checking software used by universities around the world, returns an excessively high “similarity index”. When you reach the point in your essay-writing or paper-writing process when you are checking Turnitin’s similarity index, you are likely to have already invested a substantial amount of time. Therefore, if you exceed the maximum level of a permitted similarity index, using a rewriting service to solve the problem can save you a further investment of time and effort. 

Rewriting and proofreading services are also important because the task of rewriting a document, especially a complex document, is not as easy as it may seem. To paraphrase the writing of another author requires not only a deep understanding of the material but also careful attention to detail. If you cannot rewrite the text skillfully and attentively, you may convey the wrong idea or change the meaning expressed in the original text. As a result, you would be putting words in another author’s mouth that were never there in the first place. Since this is almost as bad as plagiarism, if not worse, hiring a professional rewriter will enable you to avoid this problem quickly and easily.

If you have never worked with a professional rewriter or paraphraser before, you may not realize how powerful their services are. For example, if your aim is to gain a more in-depth knowledge of something another author has written, you can ask a rewriter to paraphrase the relevant portion of text and, in this way, study both versions. The opportunity to look at the original expression of an idea alongside paraphrased version can give you new insights into the arguments and points being made. As a result, recruiting a professional to rewrite a document helps in many more situations than just avoiding plagiarism.

As this article has demonstrated, rewriting and paraphrasing services, aside from proofreading services, are among the most widely-used writing-related services used by academics and students today. Professional rewriters have mastered an essential set of skills that, if you leverage in your own work, it can help you write competent essays, assignments, and articles, in a more clear, concise manner and possibly even quicker than you currently do. 

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