Saturday, January 29, 2022

Essential apps for proofreading and essay writing in 2022

With the growth of web and smartphone applications along with other enhanced digital services globally, a whole host of essential apps have been developed for proofreading and other tasks such as essay-writing.

In professional proofreading services, particularly the general practice of professional proofreading today, experts use these apps – such as Grammarly and Focus Writer – to make their jobs much, much easier. This also improves the quality of the service the client receives, whether that’s a student, business, or researcher, which creates a win-win situation overall.

Students and academic researchers also regularly use today’s smartphone apps, along with other technology, to increase the quality of their work to the level of professional proofreading. In fact, in the case of students, many students find that these apps are essential for their daily life at university, especially in the area of essay-writing.

This article describes several essential apps for proofreading and essay writing. Some of the mentioned apps are popular spelling checkers and style checkers, such as Grammarly, whereas others are less-known but equally valuable resources.


To improve the quality of your essays, as well as your general writing, Grammarly is among the best-available apps. The main use case for Grammarly is that it can prevent your document from being undermined by preventable errors such asstyle and clarity mistakes.

One of the most valuable features of Grammarly is that, as a technology company, Grammarly actually provides multiple apps, all of which work in combination. For example, Grammarly can be used as a:

·         Desktop app (Windows and Mac)

·         Smartphone app (iOS and Android devices)

·         Chrome plugin

Grammarly is an essential choice for people who want a reasonable proof for their files but who are working within a limited budget. Students often fit this category, but when combined with professional proofreading or editing services, tools like Grammarly work much better.


Almost all great essays start with the smallest ideas. This is why you need a clean, responsive note-taking app to jot down all your thoughts.

Evernote serves this purpose, but it also allows users to copy articles from the Internet. In this way, it helps an incredible amount when essay-planning and drafting are taking place.

However, at the same time, Evernote is substantially more than a note-taking app. Using the app, you can draw, create checklists, and easily embed other documents.

Focus Writer

When experts need to complete professional proofreading services, Focus Writer is one of the more popular apps they often turn to.

Students regularly use Microsoft Word to write, edit, and proof their essays, but Focus Writer – given its popularity among proofreaders and editors – is another valuable app to use.

The simplicity of Focus Writer is its main charm. If all you need is a blank page with a good spellchecker, which is what proofreaders usually require! Focus Writer is the way to go. 

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