Saturday, January 29, 2022

Should you self-edit your book manuscript?

Learning how to edit your manuscript isn’t always needed if you’re trying to persuade your publisher to turn it into a book. Self-editing is indeed an attractive option due to its affordability, but experts are also available who provide book proofreading services UK, as well as editing and proofreading services.

Using editing and proofreading services, as well as other services (such as ghostwriting), is an easy way to impress readers, even if your manuscript contains typos. Also, even if you haven’t paid attention to formatting rules, structure, or grammar as an author, you can find writing professionals to assist you with all of these tasks.  

Altogether, the question of whether to self-edit your book depends on a number of factors.

This article discusses each of these factors, each of which is phrased as a question. Considering how you, as an author, would answer these questions will help you decide whether you should opt for self-editing or, alternatively, you should work with a professional editor or book proofreading services UK.

Do you like editing?

If you don’t like editing, don’t feel alone. It’s understandable that most book authors, especially fiction writers, would rather spend their time being creative writing new work than editing, optimising, and continually refining their old work.

As a result, using something like a book proofreading service UK, can play a key role in saving you – as a writer – from a fairly time-consuming, analytical, and formulaic task you dislike. What’s more, with the time you save, you might even be able to write a second book!

Do you have any editing training or qualifications?

Formal and informal training is available for aspiring editors. If you lack either formal or informal training in editing, attempting to edit your own book manuscript is likely to end badly.

For example, are you familiar with the value of any of the following?

·         Using a style guide

·         Line editing

·         Consistency

·         Avoiding passive voice

·         Developmental editing

If most of these terms are unfamiliar to you now, looking them up on Google still may not help you to edit your book manuscript with confidence. In such cases, it is usually the best option to decide to work with a trained professional.

How much time is available?

This one is fairly clear-cut. If you lack time, the value and return on investment from editing and proofreading services increases dramatically.

Does your publisher require an editor?

Most book publishers today require a professional editor to review your manuscript before publication – even if they believe it’s gold. In this case, self-editing is still an option, but it just means you can also collaborate with a trained professional.

If you’re committed to self-editing and would rather not work with a publisher-allocated proofreader, self-publishing is always an option. However, self-publishing comes with its own disadvantages, and many of these (e.g., money spent) can counteract, for example, the money saved by self-editing.

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