Saturday, January 29, 2022

Proofreading and other underused digital resources for university students

Some students are surprised to learn that proofreading services are one of the most widely used digital resources today, not only among students. They often think: Who, other than a university student, would need to use a proofreading service?

As a result, they risk underusing this important tool.

For many businesses, academic researchers, and university students, digital resources like proofreading services – as well as other digital resources, including databases such as Google Scholar – are unavoidable tools if you demand top-notch writing and research.   

For example, if you need to prepare a literature review for an important journal article, how can you achieve that without a database like Google Scholar, PubMed, or the Cochrane Library?

Similarly, without using a proofreading service, companies and academics will lose valuable time that they could be allocating to some other task.

Given that using a proofreader is a key digital resource available for students today, this article:

·         Defines proofreading as a digital services

·         Discusses the features of the available services

·         Provides a list of other underused digital tools


What is proofreading and how is it a “digital resource”?

What is proofreading?

A proofreading service corrects the grammar, punctuation, and spelling in your writing. In other words, a trained professional – rather than you yourself – proofreads your document for a fee.

More in-depth proofreading services, including higher-priced editing services, may also ensure your sentences follow a consistent style and flow naturally.  


What is a digital resource?

Digital resources include smartphone apps, databases (Google Scholar), websites (such as blogs, digital magazines, and journals), and digital services (such as web design or proofreading services) 

Digital resources are materials that have been created using digital means, such as a computer, or by translating an analogue material, such as a handwritten document, into a format that is digital.


How is proofreading a digital resource?

With the ongoing trend of digitalization, the proofreading industry has gone almost entirely digital. This is true for the document preparation services industry altogether.

That is to say, the vast majority of services for proofreading are delivered online, and most of the essential tools that proofreaders use for their work are digital tools (e.g., Grammarly, Word, etc.).


Other underused digital resources

Dragon Microphone

This underrated smartphone app offers university students a good speech-to-text system, available any time on their device for note-taking, writing, and other tasks. 


Office Lens

Students can use Office Lens to create an instant scan of an analogue document (such as a business card), converting it into a digital format (e.g., a Word file).

Be sure to proofread the document after scanning it, though!


Uni Calculator

This little-known grade-tracking calculator helps you keep on top of your exams and total assessments at university. This plays a key role in coordinating your work for all the modules.


Google Drive

Google Scholar is widely used among university students, but Google drive is less popular. However, this file storage and file synchronization system offers incredible value. 

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